View of Millay Arts sign in the front field


Each year — once in March (for residencies August-October) and once in October (for residencies March-July) — we gather professionals from each discipline, including alumni, to review applications received by poets, writers, composers and visual artists for our Core Residency program.  We review submissions “blindly’” requesting applicants to remove all identifying information (name, gender/identity, ethnicity, geography, age.).so that work is judged primarily by merit. That said, as each juror (and sets of jurors) have their preferences: we select jurors from a wide variety of styles and experiences to help ensure diversity, equity and inclusion.

In general, applicants will hear back from us in by mid-May (March deadline) and mid-January (October deadline).

Our Jurors


Because we know how difficult being an artist is (despite the thrilling bits), please know that we would love to invite all applicants to Steepletop. However, both the size of our facilities (we only have space for up to 7 residents) and the number of applications means that the selection is highly competitive. SO: if you are not accepted the first time, please consider trying again in order to ensure a jury comprised of wholly new sets of eyes (and ears)!

In addition, we have created other residencies, the nonjuried Wintertide Rustic Retreat and the staff-juried Steepletop Residency, to help meet the demand for time and space at Millay Arts.


Jurors receive a $100 honorarium and are invited for one-week stays at Steepletop, as available, during our Wintertide Rustic Retreat Residency season.

Should you wish to be considered as a Juror, or wish to nominate someone, email us!

Residents looking at art in a studio